The FH Salzburg is sending out a strong signal against sexual harassment and violence with the introduction of the “LUIS*A on Campus” initiative. The project raises awareness, carries out preventative work and supports those affected in acute situations.

The question “Is Luisa there?” is the code if you feel sexually harassed or threatened and need help. This safety campaign, which is mainly known from pubs, was inspired by “Ask for Angela” in the UK. By asking “Is Luis*a there?”, those affected can get help quickly and discreetly in emergency situations. Local staff at so-called LUIS*A spots offer support by informing friends and relatives, securing personal belongings, organizing an escort to a cab or calling the police in an emergency.

First university of applied sciences with “LUIS*A on campus”
With the implementation of the initiative developed by the University of Graz, the FH Salzburg is the second university in Austria to be part of the LUIS*A on campus network and is thus committed to a harassment-free university environment.
‘We are proud to be the first University of Applied Sciences in Austria to implement this important initiative,’ emphasises FH Rector Dominik Engel.
The first LUIS*A spots have already been set up at the Urstein and Kuchl campuses, where those affected can find protection in or after acute situations and be referred to counselling centres.
Studying in a safe environment
‘Our goal is a harassment-free campus where all students and staff can feel safe,’ explains Sabrina Stattmann, Gender & Diversity Officer at FH Salzburg. The initiative is an important tool for counteracting sexualised harassment and preventing it in advance. Stattmann: ‘This requires heightened awareness and sensitisation.’
An information event was held for employees at the first three LUIS*A spots at the end of January. This was organised by the Gender & Diversity Office in cooperation with the police and the Salzburg Violence Protection Centre.
Further information:
The LUIS*A on Campus project was developed to offer protection against sexual harassment and sexual violence at universities. At the same time, the project contributes to sensitisation and prevention. The ‘LUIS*A on Campus’ concept was developed by the University of Graz. The FH Salzburg is the first university of applied sciences to implement the concept.